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Hear that Epiphany: Mardi Himal Trek

Mardi Himal Trek

If you are looking for a trekking experience as challenging as much as it is rewarding, Mardi Himal is the right experience for you.

Located just towards the east of the popular Annapurna Base Camp trek, Mardi Himal has been gaining accolades for all the right reasons.

While it offers you just the right amount of challenges to keep your adrenaline rush surging, the mesmerizing beauty of the Himalayas is just what you need to keep going.

Cherry on top? We combined this delightful experience with life transcending powers of yoga and meditation for a deeper sense of calm.


  • Duration: 8-11 days

  • Max Height: 4500 m

  • Best time to visit: October to November and March to May

  • Average routine: The day starts with Yoga and meditation with a few relaxing and stretching postures

The trek begins at the stupendously beautiful Pokhara Valley. The serene Phewa Lake set against the backdrop of mountains is stuff that has inspired and continues to inspire artistes. And it sure will inspire you.

After a day of relaxing in the Pokhara valley, you begin the trek from Kande, a half-hour journey from Pokhara, marking your first stop.

The trek begins at a slow pace with meditation and yoga in the morning, and constant backdrop of terraced farmlands and spanning forests accompanies you on your journey. While you enjoy the surrounding beauty, the trail only gets better and better. If it’s the right season, you also witness the beauty of rhododendron, red, purple and pink in their abundant beauty.

After the initial days pass, the forest begins to thin out and you wake up to the infallible beauty of the mountains- the Dhaulagiri, the Annapurna and most of all, the ever-so-gorgeous Macchapucchre Himal (fish shaped mountain). With senses only heightened due to meditation and yoga, you come across the mountains so closely, you feel like you can touch them and the clouds floating just above them. The trek seems to get more challenging with every step you take, as the altitude gets higher and higher. But fret not, the height also promises the incomparable beauty of the mountains and on the opposite of ridge you witness the Mardi Himal.

After 3-4 days of strenuous trekking, you seem to make home in the Himalayas. The trek offers you 3-4 stops, where you can rest and eat. Every morning marks a beginning of delving deeper into your soul and mind, which turns out to be a life-changing experience for you.  And the hospitality and simplicity of the people, well, you have already heard about how unbelievably terrific it is.

The imposing and huge mountains are constantly visible, the reflection of the sun on the snow-capped peaks in the morning, the very same dark shadows in the evening, feel familiar yet so new every day.

The cold weather, the thick and then thin forests and the trail of Rhododendron and magnolia dotting the whole trail offer you a respite from the usual humdrum of your life.

After living a life of eternity in the Himalayas for a week, you slide down to Sidhing from the high camp, the final phase of the trek. This is the phase when you realise that the trek is coming to an end, and you would not want to leave the Himalayas for the world.

The final phase takes roughly about 1 day, and then you reach Pokhara.

Mardi Himal trek, a cross-channel trek of the Annapurna Base Camp, offers you a combined experience of a strenuous trek and solidarity and breath-taking beauty. And with yoga and meditation into the picture, the experience only becomes deeper and transforming for your sense of being.

To sum it up, if you are looking for an experience that takes you deeper into your soul, mind and nature while you enjoy the diverse beauty of snow-capped mountains, a galore of flowers, thick woods, Mardi Himal Yoga trek offers you all of it.

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