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Top 5 Best Things To Do In Nepal

Nepal is a beautiful country of majestic Himalayas, rich culture and the warmest of people. Known for its natural beauty, a lot of tourists visit Nepal to see the ethnic lifestyle which is still preserved till date. More than 130 ethnicities living in Nepal, you’ll be astonished by the customs and traditions of each of them. A developing country with its historical monuments, different ethnicities and natural beauty has been attracting tourists since ages. From the city of temples, Kathmandu and city of lakes, Pokhara to the mountainous lifestyle, Nepal has so much to offer. Home to the fourteen of the world’s highest mountains and most specifically Mt. Everest, trekking has been the major tourist activity here. Also, the phenomenal landscape of this country is what the foreigners love. Whether it is exploring the Himalayas, rafting in the tranquil rivers, exploring the wildlife and learning about the historical importance of the heritage sites, you are bound to be fascinated by what Nepal has to offer.

If you’ve decided to travel here and baffled by so much it has to offer. Escape Himalaya team has carefully picked 5 best things to do. Make your choice, choose from our best 5 things you could do in Nepal and let’s start adventuring.

Trekking Adventure

Is it even a surprise that trekking is at the top of our list of the top 5 best things to do? Nepal, the land of mountains is bound to attract the adventurers. The country offers numbers of destinations to trek. Whether you’re a beginner or a professional trekker, Nepal has several levels of trek you could choose from. The classic Everest base camp is traveler’s favorite and if this is too extreme for you then Annapurna region treks would be a great choice. Hiking through the winding trails embracing the beautiful mountain ranges is a divine experience. Spending your time away from your routine life in the wilderness and serenity of the Himalayas is a must when you come to Nepal. So, go through our trekking packages and choose one that feeds the wanderlust to your soul.

Climbing And Mountaineering

Climbing in the mountains of Nepal has been one of the thrilling adventures. The snow capped mountains and the awe inspiring views provide motivation to the mountain climbers. People from around the world visit Nepal solely for the purpose of exploring the thrilling Himalayas. Therefore, it has made its way to our list of the top 5 best things to do in Nepal. The thrill of climbing is a delight to the people so they go to the extremes of it. Climbing requires a lot of equipments such as crampons, ice axes, slingers and others. No matter the ordeal, the summit is euphoria to the climbers which cannot be obtained through other activities. The climb is long and the obstacles arise, however the result of reaching the summit and conquering those obstacles are out of this world. If you’re one of the passionate climbers, then the peaks of Nepal are just a climb away.

Cultural Tours In Nepal

It isn’t a shock that Nepal is known for its cultural aspects. With the customs and traditions running from years, Nepalese have preserved it until now. This is what fascinates the world, the old traditions, different ethnicities living together, the history and the monuments. Different temples like Pashupatinath, Boudhanath and Swyambhunath showcase the religious side of Nepal. Similarly, the different durbar squares of Patan, Bhaktapur and Kathmandu portray the traditional architecture of the country. Here different city holds different cultural importance, such as Lumbini the birthplace of Gautam Buddha and Janakpur the ancient Mithila city.

The temples here hold the importance of the ancient times showcasing the sculptures of the Gods and Goddesses. The intricate architectures of the Newar ethnicity, the woodwork, Thankas, carvings can be seen in the traditional buildings which makes strolling around the cities more culturally informative.

Wildlife Tours In Nepal

One of the top 5 best things to do in Nepal is explore the wildlife. Nepal is home to numbers of national parks and hunting reserves established to conserve the wildlife. Nepal’s bio diversity is of a huge importance to the nation. The jungles are home to several endangered animals and birds. So, there are several jungle safaris to showcase the country’s wild habitat. Sagarmatha National Park and Chitwan National parks are the most prominent national parks of Nepal keeping its name in the world heritage sites of UNESCO. Touring through the parks you may see the endangered species like Royal Bengal Tiger and one horned rhino. You’ll enjoy the beautiful jungles with its varieties of plants and animals. Passing by the rivers and lakes with crocodiles, watching the colorful birds and animals without disturbing their natural habitat is an exciting adventure.

White Water Rafting

Nepal is rich in natural resources like rivers, lakes and streams. Being the second richest country of water resources, it is formed by the melting of snow from the several Himalayas. Nepal has a wide range of water adventure sports. One of them is rafting. These days’ people are getting more attracted towards activities that send a rush of adrenaline. Nepal being one of the most popular destinations for Rafting, the waters don’t disappoint. Being blessed with amazing rivers, this sport gives you the rush of riding rapidly through the waters enjoying the landscapes. Sun Koshi and Bhote Koshi are the famous rivers where you can experience the thrill of rafting. Rafting, our top 5 best things to do in Nepal is a definite must.

Nepal provides you wide range of entertainment and adventurous activities you could pursue. The above mentioned 5 activities are must if you’re visiting Nepal. All these things serve you the blend of adventure meets culture. What else could you ask for? So, join the Escape Himalaya team and let’s complete these activities one by one.

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